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Your compilation of our product portfolio

Creating individual item lists

We have a wide range of items in our product line. For a clearer overview, we offer the option of our partners compiling their own lists of relevant items from our entire product portfolio using their own lists in the Winkhaus Portal.

Easy linking of different data sources

Compile individual item lists...

Creating lists that contain only items you actually use gives you an overview and keeps you up to date. In addition, linking this function to our online catalogue gives you direct access to the current product information and enables you to place recurring orders quickly.

... and transfer your own item numbers to the Winkhaus system.

The direct link to the Winkhaus system allows you to enter your own customer material number for Winkhaus products. In the future, you will be able to place orders with your own item number. You can also download product data as a BME-CAT or Excel file and conveniently fill your own online shop with the current product data from Winkhaus.

Overview of the benefits


Download product data as a BME CAT or Excel file and use it for your own online shop.


Create article lists tailored to your own product portfolio.

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Economic effectiveness

Complete recurring orders faster.

Use and function of the listing

Put together only your items from our entire product portfolio