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Order tracking

Get real-time status at any time

As our partner, you can track the status of your orders in the Winkhaus Portal at any time. In this way you have an overview of your orders allowing you to improve planning security at the same time.

Icon Bestellungen grau

Keeping an eye on all orders

Clear display, intuitive search ...

See at a glance whether your order has been received, is in progress or has been completed, for example. If you are looking for a specific process, you can use the search provided or narrow down a time period. Find all the information on your order quickly and even download it if you wish.

... and track the shipment of the goods.

In addition to the overview of all your orders, you can open the parcel tracking of the shipping service provider in our portal with just one click. This way you can quickly find out where your order is at the current time.

Order tracking makes it even easier to keep track:

Find out about the benefits

Overview of the benefits


Live order status can be called up in digital form at any time.

Winkhaus Icon Standort


Connection to parcel service tracking.


Download order confirmations easily at any time.

Data export

Export order data as an Excel file.

Search function

Find files with free text search or via filter.

Language versions

Available in different languages.

Use and function of order tracking

Query the processing status of an order or the current whereabouts of the goods